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(480) 939-5818

Why Should I Wear a Night Guard?

Posted on 1/15/2024 by Weo Admin
Close up of a simple mouthguard being held up by an excited white womanPeople with children may already be familiar with mouthguards, especially if their children play sports. Sport guards help protect children and adults from trauma to the mouth during sporting events. Mouth guards, such as braces or retainers, are vital for children who have orthodontics if they play a sport. Adults can also benefit from mouthguards, especially if they clench or grind their teeth.


One of the most common causes of jaw pain in adults is bruxism. Bruxism happens when someone clenches or grinds their teeth. If you clench your teeth, you are putting an enormous amount of pressure on your teeth and lower jaw by holding your jaws closed. If you grind your teeth, you are moving your upper teeth and lower teeth against each other. Both clenching and grinding your teeth can cause problems with your jaw joint, broken and cracked teeth, and damaged crowns or bridges. You can also suffer from severe headaches, ear pain, and temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD.

How Can Night Guards Help?

Night guards can be soft or hard. Soft guards are easier to wear, but they may not protect your teeth enough from bruxism. Hard splint night guards may take some getting used to, but they offer great protection from clenching or grinding your teeth.

Your first step toward protecting your teeth against bruxism happens when you visit a dentist. Dentists can take a look at your teeth and determine if you have a problem with clenching and grinding them. Then they will make a mold of your teeth in order to make night guards. Once you have the night guards, you slip them into your mouth after you brush and floss your teeth at night.

With a night guard, you can then rest easy knowing you are protecting your teeth from further damage. Contact our dental office and request an appointment for a night guard evaluation.

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1244 N Greenfield Rd, Suite 105
Mesa, AZ85205-4078
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Timothy H. Kindt, DDS, 1244 N Greenfield Road, Suite 105, Mesa, AZ 85205 \ (480) 939-5818 \ \ 2/9/2025 \ Key Phrases: Dentist Mesa AZ \