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Is Chewing Gum Actually Helpful for Improving Oral Health?

Posted on 10/25/2018 by Alyce
Is Chewing Gum Actually Helpful for Improving Oral Health?Imagine for a moment that you are standing in the checkout line of your local grocery store. There are so many candies, treats and snacks just tempting you, but you're resisting the urge to purchase any of these sugary treats.

Although you want one, you know deep down inside that they're bad for your teeth. We have good news for you; chewing certain types of gum can actually improve your overall oral health. Most people believe that like most sugary treats, chewing gum can damage your teeth, however, chewing gum can actually improve your oral health!

What Does Gum Do?

Don't channel your inner skeptic just yet, let us tell you why chewing gum is good for your oral health. When you chew, you naturally increase the flow of saliva in your mouth. When you're chewing gum after every meal, the increased saliva flow helps to neutralize and wash away the acids and bacteria in your mouth. Essentially, chewing gum is rinsing the bacteria and plaque from your teeth and mouth.

All Gum Is Not Created Equal

When choosing what gum you want to chew, aside from personal taste, it's important to remember that you need to choose a sugar free gum. Sugar may get the saliva flowing in your mouth, but the sugary gum is counterproductive as the bacteria in your mouth will feed on the sugar.

Choosing a chewing gum that contains a sugar replacement Xylitol is important. It's a naturally occurring sweetener that has been shown to reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth.

So next time you're craving that something sweet, don't hesitate to reach for your favorite sugar free gum! Your smile will thank you! Please call or stop by our office today to get more information on how you can keep your smile healthy for years!
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