Posted on 4/25/2019 by Alyce |
We often hear a lot about foods that are bad for us. When it comes to oral health, you've probably been told how sugary foods and anything high in starch can damage your teeth. But do you know what foods are actually good for your oral health? That's a topic that's not as often addressed. You may be surprised to learn that eggs can actually be very good for your mouth. Why Eggs? Eggs contain a large amount of protein, but they also contain very good amounts of phosphorus, In fact, dairy products such as milk and eggs, fish, poultry, and meat are all great sources of this mineral. It helps your body in a number of ways, but when it comes to your teeth, its main purpose is to make your enamel stronger and to help rebuild it. What Is Phosphorus? Phosphorus is a mineral that your body uses to build strong teeth and bones. It works alongside calcium to do this. In fact, calcium and phosphorus are the two most plentiful minerals in the human body. In addition to helping build your bones and teeth, phosphorus also plays a part in waste filtration and in cell and tissue repair, among other things. This is also one mineral that most people do actually get the daily recommended dose. For adults over age 18, you should get at least 700 mg a day of phosphorus. However, unlike some minerals, you actually need more phosphorus between ages 9 and 18. During this time, the body is going through puberty, and your bones are growing to their final adult size. This requires more phosphorus, so doctors recommend older children and teens get at least 1,250 mg per day of the mineral. If you have diabetes, take certain medications, or consume a lot of alcohol, your body may not have as much phosphorus as it needs. In that case, you may need to take supplements. You also may need to see us so we can make certain the enamel on your teeth hasn't deteriorated too much. Give us a call to schedule an appointment if you learn that your phosphorus levels are low. |
1244 N Greenfield Rd, Suite 105 Mesa, AZ85205-4078 Call (480) 939-5818 |