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Can You Brush Too Often?

Posted on 7/23/2019 by Alyce
Can You Brush Too Often?Brushing your teeth is an important part of maintaining good oral hygiene. According to the American Dental Association (ADA) you should brush your teeth two times each day, making sure to use fluoride toothpaste when doing so. This will help you remove any food and plaque from your mouth, preventing oral health issues in the future.

Brushing Your Teeth More Often Than Recommended

While it isn't always a bad thing, you don't want to get into the habit of brushing your teeth too often or for too long. When you do get into this habit, you'll end up damaging your teeth eventually. This is why you should only brush your teeth no more than three times each day and for no longer than two minutes each time. Brushing your teeth more frequently can cause your tooth enamel to wear down too much and you may also end up damaging your gums.

Nevertheless, many people still want to brush their teeth after eating each meal (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) throughout their day because they feel that this keeps their mouth cleaner and fresher. You must be careful here as well because you can damage your tooth's enamel if you do so too soon after finishing your meal.

Not Brushing Frequently Enough

While you can damage your teeth by brushing too often or for too long, it's also true that you can brush your teeth too infrequently or for not enough time each time you do brush your teeth. For instance, if you only brush your teeth once a day this will lead to the buildup of plaque and bacteria in your mouth.

When this happens, you'll find yourself experiencing bad breath on a more frequent basis. This is why it's so important for you to brush and floss your teeth, then swish your mouth with an antiseptic mouth rinse at least twice a day.
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