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Poor Oral Health Can Make You Constantly Fatigued

Mesa, AZ
Posted on 1/25/2020 by Alyce
Image of a man checking his teeth and noticing poor oral health at Timothy H. Kindt, DDS.Do you feel tired and run down all the time?

So many things cause fatigue and exhaustion. Some people suffer from chronic fatigue, meaning they constantly feel tired.

Chronic fatigue may be a symptom of many disabilities and illnesses, but the most neglected symptoms are those associated with gum disease.

The topmost possibility of gum disease affecting your levels of energy is by it being a contributing factor to other diseases and symptoms. Studies indicate that gum disease can affect the way we feel in general. Failure to treat it will in turn affect your general health.

How Can Poor Oral Hygiene Reduce Your Energy?

Our gums are rich with blood vessels. If we suffer from gum disease or oral infections, the blood vessels are used to transport the pathogens to different parts of the body. This means that the longer the disease is present, the more likely it is for it to start affecting other organs, causing you to feel tired and worn out.

If you suffer from a tooth pain that has not been treated, chances are that it is quite difficult for you to get a good night's sleep. Even if you are able to sleep, a lingering throbbing pain constantly wakes you up. This pile-up of fatigue is only bound to make you exhausted the next day.

If you are suffering from a toothache, do not hesitate to visit us for a checkup. Studies have been able to link poor oral hygiene to diabetes and heart disease. The latter often leaves you feeling very fatigued.

Preventing Gum Disease

Prevention is crucial; that is why you should begin preventing gum disease at home. We advise you to brush and floss your teeth on a regular basis and visit us for professional dental cleanings once in every six months. To maintain a healthy mouth, organs and an entire body, you should take steps to prevent gum disease. To learn more, call us today at (480) 939-5818.
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1244 N Greenfield Rd, Suite 105
Mesa, AZ85205-4078
Call (480) 939-5818
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