Your Kids Will Love Brushing Their Teeth With These Tips
Posted on 10/11/2021 by Alyce
Children who love brushing their teeth have a good start to an excellent dental hygiene as adults. However, the practice of tooth brushing is a process that the little ones may not like, but that parents must reinforce to develop correct dental hygiene. Here are some of our favorite tips to help parents in this important process.
Brushing In Front Of The Mirror
The child must be in a comfortable position, and they must hold the brush with their dominant hand. Children like imitation games so it is good to brush in front of the mirror, in the same way that they enjoy spending time with their parents or older siblings, taking into account that children learn by imitation. Brushing as a family serves both as motivation and as an example to follow.
Making A Game From Teeth Brushing
Turning teeth brushing into a fun routine is another strategy, as children learn through playing, and it is the ideal tool to motivate them to perform tasks, especially when they consider them boring. Carry out “runs” to get to the bathroom first, play in the mirror to make them imitate your movements, sing songs that help memorize brush movements and encourage tongue washing.
In addition to the games, it is important to congratulate them when they do it correctly, this will make them feel proud of themselves and want to continue practicing. It is also important that they feel comfortable, so it is ideal for them to make decisions about which brush to choose or the taste of the toothpaste. Encourage your child to brush after every meal, especially upon waking and before going to bed. For more tips reach out to our team of professionals at out offices, so together we can create good dental habits for your kids.
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