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How to Stop Grinding Your Teeth

Posted on 5/23/2022 by Alyce
How to Stop Grinding Your TeethDo you find yourself grinding your teeth? If so, you are not alone. Many people do not realize that they are grinding their teeth. Grinding your teeth can lead to several dental problems, so it is essential to take steps to stop the habit. Here is how you can do it.

Causes of Teeth Grinding

Also known as bruxism, teeth grinding is a condition that various factors can cause. Anxiety and stress are the main triggers, as grinding your teeth is a way to relieve tension. Another common cause is misaligned teeth or an improper bite, which puts extra pressure on the teeth and leads to grinding. Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea can also cause bruxism, as can certain medications. In some cases, bruxism may be due to an underlying medical condition such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease. Whatever the cause, teeth grinding can be a frustrating and even painful condition. If you think you may be grinding your teeth, see your dentist for an evaluation.

Tips To Stop Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding (bruxism) can cause several dental problems, including wear and tear on the tooth enamel, gum recession, and even jaw pain. If you think you may be grinding your teeth, there are a few things you can do to try to stop. First, be aware of when you are grinding your teeth and avoid doing it during those times. If you are suffering from teeth grinding at night, try wearing a mouth guard to bed. You can also try exercises or relaxation techniques to help reduce overall stress and tension. If these measures do not work, talk to your dentist about other options, such as getting custom-made braces or mouth guards. By taking action to stop grinding your teeth, you can help protect your dental health.

If you suffer from teeth grinding, do not despair. Give our dentists a call today to explore your options! We can help you get to the bottom of your teeth grinding habit and find a solution that works for you at our dental office.
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