It is normal to get braces. They are mostly fixed in children and can be hectic in the first weeks as one copes with living with them. The mouth becomes sore, and the child may be picky about what they consume. This is normal, but which foods can one consume while on braces?
Food and Snack Options
It is advised by our dentists to take foods that are in small pieces. Avoid large and crunchy pieces. Furthermore, soft and dairy products are the best when on braces. String cheese and cottage cheese, as well as cutting hard fruits such as apples into smaller pieces for easy chewing, goes a long way in maintaining good dental condition and the braces.
Additionally, soft fruits such as melons, berries, and bananas can help the child get more vitamins and minerals. Fruit cocktails and plain yogurt are also great snacks for kids with braces. If the child wants crunchy crisps and crackers, they must be cut into small pieces. Ice creams, soft cookies, and packed lunch foods such as boiled eggs, deli meats, eggs salad, and tuna are highly recommended for children with braces.
Foods to avoid
Avoiding sticky and crunchy foods is essential for people with braces. These foods include popcorns, jelly beans, crusty bread, and raw vegetables. Note that eating ice cream should be done without the toppings like caramel. Unfortunately, hard candies, tootsie rolls, and large nut pieces can stick to the braces. Also, dentists advise avoiding beef jerky or large pieces of meat. Eating corn on the cob will destroy the braces on the front teeth.
Offering care
It is important to ensure that your child's oral health is maintained at optimal levels. After meals, they will need to brush their teeth and floss. Regular brushing and flossing remove the particles that may have stuck between the teeth or braces. Crunchy foods are risky as they may break the brackets, which may injure their mouth.
Please consult with our dentists on precautions aimed at maintaining your braces.
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About Our Dentist - Mesa, AZ • Timothy H. Kindt, DDS At Timothy Kindt, DDS do hesitate to learn more about us. Our practice is proud to offer dental treatment for everyone! Call us today. Timothy H. Kindt, DDS, 1244 N Greenfield Road, Suite 105, Mesa, AZ 85205 : (480) 939-5818 : : 2/6/2025 : Tags: Dentist Mesa AZ :